Monday, December 8, 2008


Photography Portfolio Inventory:
By: Emilyann Allen

Artist Statement:

I am a graphic design student at Stephens College. I enjoy many forms of art, from writing, to dancing, painting, singing, and beading. Any form of creativity is my playground because I am a child at heart and love life.

1. OnTheWall
2. 2.TheFace
3. Pink
4. FlowersandLines
5. Pipes
6. Nature (Manual Camera)
7. Fallen
8. Playful
9. PipesPhotocopy
10. Portrait
11. Beauty
12. Dark

I have a range of photos in this portfolio that were shot over the course of this semester. I liked experimenting with repetition like in the piece titles “Pipes”. The photos are also meant to display a range of photographic ideas, from portraits and landscapes to still objects.

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